Old Mates: Gone But Never Forgotten
“Old Mates: Gone but Never Forgotten,” is a sincere and heartfelt documentary by Sunshine Coast filmmaker and TV personality, Rob Brough, featuring Ron Trembath and his surf lifesaving group.
In this tale of mateship and the human spirit, Rob uncovers the inspiring story of the ‘Old Mates,’ a group of surf lifesavers who have stood by each other through life’s ups and downs.
After a conversation with John Ellingsen one afternoon, Rob was so moved by the genuine care and support this group of surf lifesavers have for each other, he was compelled to share their story. A story that exemplifies the true spirit of Australia.
In “Old Mates: Gone but Never Forgotten,” Rob explores the lasting bonds and unwavering camaraderie formed among this dedicated group of sportsmen. This documentary is a heartfelt tribute to the power of friendship and the connections that can withstand the test of time.
View the documentary here.