Satellite Notification

CDI’s TRAXALL LineStat is a global, value added satellite based event notification service provided by CDI and targeted primarily to the oil and gas pipeline industry. LineStat provides notification to email addresses and SMS text messaging telephone numbers of remote events from both fixed position and portable equipment. Some of the details included in event notifications messages are date, time, GPS position, battery status, and vibration. This information is transmitted via satellite without use of cellular networks and without needing a wired infrastructure of any kind.

The LineStat service and equipment may be purchased and used with CDI’s pig location and tracking products or any other equipment where remote notifications without an infrastructure is desirable.  LineStat can be used with almost any equipment with a signalling output.

As event notification messages from field equipment pass through the LineStat Data Center they are permanently stored in CDI’s secure SQL database on a per-radio and per-customer basis.  As jobs are performed, data accumulates from remote equipment and creates Google Maps fly-over interfaces.

A secure and password protected web portal provides end users with access to this customer-specific historical event data. Previous events may be browsed and numerous reports may be created that allow for statistical analysis of the data.  Using the LineStat web portal, batches of radios may be logically grouped together so that different jobs can be separated from one another for reporting purposes.

Destination email and SMS text addresses may be assigned on a per-group basis allowing “Job A” to be reporting to one group of field personnel simultaneously to “Job B” reporting to a different group of personnel.  Admins and Managers may be assigned special privledges and may receive notifications from all jobs underway if they so choose.

LineStat is built upon the existing Globalstar low earth orbit satellite network which has global viewability as shown below. The Globalstar network has been in service since 1999 and with over 315,000 subscribers is the world’s largest provider of mobile satellite voice and data services.